Lugol's Iodine 5% Silver47. The original by Dr. Jean Lugol. Each drop contains approximatively 6mg iodine.
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Lugol's Iodine 5%
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Lugol's iodine is a solution of elemental iodine and potassium iodide in water named after the French physician Jean Lugol. Discovered in 1829, Lugol's iodine have been used for over 100 years as an antiseptic and first-aid supplementation in case of nuclear disaster.

Latest research on Iodine gives a better understanding of its extrathyroidal functions. Iodine plays a tremendous role in the proper functioning of several organs such as the brain, the prostate, skin, breasts and ovaries. Iodine is anti-septic and anti-viral. Every 17 minutes, all the blood in the body passes through the thyroid gland. Because the cells that make up this gland have an affinity for iodine, each cycle of blood passing through the gland is subjected to iodine secretions, killing germs and viruses. In the 2000's, Dr. David Brownstein highlighted the threat of fluoride toxicity and its chemical interaction against iodine.

-Nuclear disaster recommandations
- Dr Brownstein's conference

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News and research __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Protection radiations-- Anti-viral---Fluorine detoxication---Mental health----Breasts-(1) (2) ---- Full iodine database

Forgotten elements, forgotten potential.
Liquid minerals Silver47

Lugol's iodine is a solution of elemental iodine and potassium iodide in water. First discovered in 1829 by doctor Jean Lugol, the Lugol's Iodine have been used for over 100 years as an antiseptic and first-aid supplementation in case of nuclear disaster. Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland's proper performance. Latest research on iodine gives a better understanding of its extrathyroidal functions. Iodine have a tremendous role in the proper functioning of several organs such as the brain or prostate. More recently, Dr. David Brownstein has highlighted the threat of fluoride intoxication and its chemical interaction against iodine.

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Protection radiations
Fluorine Detoxication
Mental health
Breasts (2) (3)
Full iodine database

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Lugol's solution Silver47 by Dr Jean Lugol
Composition: I2 KI pharmaceutical grade, deionized water
Each drop contains approximately 6mg of iodine
Respect the dosage. Keep away from childrens


Available sizes

1 fl. oz 32 oz

